School Expectations

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Schoolwide Expectations

The highest level of student discipline is required at all times. How we handle student discipline at Washington School is an important factor in creating a community conducive to learning.

We post classroom expectations in every classroom at eye-level at the front of the room where they are clearly visible. These expectations are reviewed with students on the first day of school and frequently throughout the school year. We post expectations in all other environments around our school community to ensure that students will be reminded and accountable for their actions where ever they may be throughout their learning day.

Schoolwide Expectations:

1. Be in your assigned seat or area ready to work when directed.

2. Have paper, pencils, books, and all needed supplies every day.

3. Keep hands, feet, books and objects to yourself.

4. No profanity, rude gestures, teasing or put-downs.

5. Follow directions of all school personnel.

Hallway Expectations:

1. Walk in a single file and go directly to class.

2. Walk; no running.

3. Keep hands, feet, books and objects to yourself.

4. Leave no personal trash on the floor.

5. Be silent; no talking.

Washroom Expectations:

1. Use facilities as intended and keep them clean.

2. Keep hands, feet and objects to yourself.

3. Wash hands and put trash in cans.

4. No playing or staying the washrooom.

5. Be silent; no talking.

Lunchroom Expectations:

1. Stay in line when entering the lunchroom; no cutting is allowed.

2. Treat the lunchroom workers with respect.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. No sharing of food.

5. Stay in your assigned seat until dismissed.

6. Be silent; no talking.

7. Clean up your area (including the floor)

8. Follow the directions of any adult.

9. No candy, gum, or pop is allowed.

Lunch Recess Expectations:

1. Stay in your assigned area.

2. Share equipment.

3. Keep hands, feet, and objects to yourself.

4. No teasing, bullying, or fighting.

5. Follow the directions of any adult.

Bus line Expectations:

1. Walk directly to your bus line.

2. Stand in your bus line; do not go from one bus line to another.

3. Keep hands, feet, books and objects to yourself.

4. Walk in a single file to your bus.

5. No cutting in the bus line.

6. Follow the directions of any adult.

Bus Expectations:

1. Remain seated at all times.

2. Treat the bus driver and aide with respect.

3. Use classroom voices on the bus; no yelling on the bus.

4. Keep hands, feet, books and objects to yourself.

5. No eating, playing, fighting, or throwing objects on the bus.

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